Articles of interest...
- "Rob Pegoraro" former Washington Post columnist who was laid off after 17 years.
- "Ketzel Uprooted" former NPR correspondent who was laid off while doing a series about the impact of layoffs
- "Drinking Off the Job" New York Times Op-ed by Theodore Ross (2011)
- "A Radical Approach to Being Laid Off" by Bill Crawford (2006)
- "10 Worst Things to Say to Someone Who Was Just Laid Off" by Alice Handley and Tania Khadder
- "7 Ways to Make Your Layoff Payoff" by Alexi Calvo
- "10 Things I Learned from my Layoff" by Tania Khadder
- "Want to Work from Home? Find Your Element." by Tsh Oxenreider, (aka Simple Mom blogger)